Some users followed these instructions but the SSD Toolbox still doesn't see the drive. Go Browse > Let me pick to select Standard AHCI from the list. Right click on AMD SATA Controller or Intel SATA Controller. Go IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers > AMD SATA Controller or Intel SATA Controller. To do this, you can refer to the following steps: Some professionals point out that users need to revert back to the Microsoft default AHCI driver and then run the Toolbox. Solution to Kingston SSD Toolbox not detecting SSD CSV format.Īlthough Kingston SSD Toolbox can monitor Kingston solid state disks efficiently, some users said that the Kingston SSD Toolbox cannot find drive when they ran this Toolbox. Utilize self-monitoring, analysis, reporting technology (SMART) and export detailed reports in. View identification data (model name, serial number, and firmware version, etc.).

Monitor the health, status and usage of the SSD. Generally speaking, you can do the following things via Kingston SSD Toolbox: This application allows users to monitor various aspects related to the status of their Sandforce-based Kingston SSD. The Kingston SSD Toolbox is an installable application offered by Kingston Technology Company.