
Android studio toast message before next activity starts
Android studio toast message before next activity starts

You can start the IntentService from any Activity or Fragment at any time during your application. public class MyJobService extends JobService The expected result for this method should be true, especially if the work done has to be completed. Any background work should be performed asynchronously. This onStartJob() method will run on the main thread, so you can generate Toast messages that will be rendered on the activity. Writing a job simply requires extending the JobService class. Because of recent restrictions on Android to improve battery life, all background work including periodic tasks should now be scheduled through the JobScheduler. Services are used for repetitive and potential long running operations, checking for new data, data processing, indexing content, etc. As the service has no user interface it is not bound to the lifecycle of an activity. Service is a component which runs in the background, without direct interaction with the user.

Android studio toast message before next activity starts